How Did I Get Psoriasis?It's All Over My Whole BodyMy Eyes Secrete, My Nose The Same. There Are Bumps That Secrete Greasy Stuff. Genital
What can I do to get rid of this terrible disease?
Fight hard, find a good doctor you trust. Don't give up on one treatment if it doesn't help bc there are so many new ones out there but you got to find one they works for you the best. All of these are suggestions, all of this are questions that I asked too. I had small patches here and there growing up. I'm 54 now and have a load of health issues and I been fighting a severe full body flare up for 5 years. Until I got a response from Dr Lee from TLC show pimple Popper. She saved my life and gave me a biological injection named Tremfya and after using 3 shots over 8 weeks I was cleared 95% . I am still clear now too. I still get the injections every 8 weeks. If you any other questions, please message me and you can see a short version of my Psoriasis online here is the leak. The only reason I'm sending you a link is maybe something like yours. Stay strong.🙏💪& ✌️
What Is The Best Natural Treatment For Plaque Psoriasis On The Scalp ? Find
Anyone Have Scalp Psoriasis And Also In Ears?
I Recall A Doctor I Saw Who Was Covering My Regular Docs Patients. This Doctor Thought I Had Body Lice Because I Was Itchy And Red Spots.