Happy Sunday! Ok I Have Been Researching And Found A Lot Of Information About Taking COQ10. Anyone Tried It For Psoriasis And PSA?
Doctors never mention natural supplements as their training is medication so I like to research a lot but on credible sites. I had read how coQ10 helps a lot with fibromyalgia and then I came across how good it was for RA and PSA so I will try it and let you know and will discuss with my doctor and specialist within the next two weeks! Xxx
CoQ10 is produced in a healthy pancreas, whose main function is to protect the heart. Statin drugs turn this off along with the ability to produce cholesterol for the brain. This "homemade" cholesterol protects the brain from dementia and Alzheimers.
Thanks everyone I read a lot of clinical trials and reports. Here are the findings of one...Conclusions: This study showed beneficial effects of CoQ10 supplementation on inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress in rheumatoid arthritis patients.
My thoughts are; this enzyme ( molecule) can be used if a person has been on a statin for cholesterol, statins are notorious for depleting CoQ10. As we age our bodies create less of this molecule, our diets change .....talk to your doctor before trying as I believe more credible research needs to be done..IMHO☺️
My story.. I had a body breakdown from stress on the job. Chronic fatgue syndrom got very skinny no strength horrible psoriasis on parts of my body. I went to a doctor paid $900. for them to tell me I had anemia. he gave me stearoids to rub on the psoriasis. Doctors believe it can't be cured. So I looked for alturnative on line. Tried Dr Gundrys lectin free diet first...Helped a little then for the last 4 months went on Dr Ken Berrys Carnivore animal fat and water. My psoriasis is completely gone no more itching at all I have gained 5 pounds bone mass improving muscle mass improving. My friend in California was about 350 pounds lost almost 100 pounds on the same carnivore diet I am on. If you want your psoriasis to go away you have to stop feeding it. High lectin food which are seed oils,Grains, and most vegetables. Caution start with Dr Gundrys lectin free diet first and slowly go into Carivore. If you go carnivore all at once you will detoxify too fast and the symtoms of feeling sick for a while will be on you. There is a 30000 member Carnivore group on Facebook also a Christian Carnivore group there.When you start reading comments of all the disease that is healed .........Kathy Hope this helps Mike
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