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I Saw A Diet Mentioned Here But I Forgot The Name Of It, PODS? Lol. Pitac Can You Tell Me Again, Thanks In Advance As I Want To Research It

A MyPsoriasisTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
Wilmington, NC

and what do you think about Pea protein for smoothies?

June 28, 2024
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A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

@A MyPsoriasisTeam Member. Pea protein is right out for people who need to be on the FODMAP diet. If you have IBS/D or Chron's or UC, avoid peas. If your issue is IBS/C, peas might be ok. Keep a food diary and try peas when you're eating only other foods that you know not to be a problem. Wait a week for issues to show up. If none do, then its probably ok.

@A MyPsoriasisTeam Member. I'm not so sure about diabetes, thats one I thankfully don't have. Yet. Its in the family. I dont think it has much to do with weight, although I can definitely understand how overweight people can develop type 2 diabetes. Many of the foods that cause weight issues are hard on the pancreas. I'm not sure, but have long been under the impression that diabetes begins with malfunctioning pancreas. I may be wrong though. I know its difficult to imagine, but I don't know EVERYTHING. 😲πŸ€ͺπŸ™

June 29, 2024
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

Thanks Pitac, no bowel problems here, thanks to God!!! lol I have 4 big bags of Pea Protein Powder, that saves me some money now, I have mushroom powder and greens supplements too. So I can quickly get on a junk free, diet right away. Being a senior, I just don't have lots of extra money to buy new fangled stuff. I am mostly through the list of what I can eat in my smoothies and it seems ok. I like most of these things!

June 30, 2024
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

Stupid AI!πŸ˜„ FODMAP - Fermentable Oligosaccharides Disaccharides Monosaccharides And Poloyols

Great for IBS/IBD sufferers. Hard to do got most people,but very affective. Stopped my intestinal woes in about 2 weeks over 10 years ago. I can't go off it, my gut let's me know. There is a large body of medical evidence typing all the autoimmune illnesses to overall gut health, the microbiome. Even at least one if the biologics, Skyrizi, is prescribed for IBD as well as PsO/PsA. Thats what got met on the research topic if cytokines, what signals the holy to produce them, what the body needs for essential functioning, how food is medicine or poison. Not just the obvious foods. For most, broccoli is medicine, but for FODMAP sensitives it's poison. Same with oxalates. For most people spinachnis medicine. For people who have trouble processing oxalates spinach causes kidney stones.

I found it very helpful to use the Painscale App for a couple years to track everything I ate, supplements, how I felt, where on my body felt it and a lot more. Great app to identify triggers. Some take as much as a month after the exposure to cause a problem.

June 28, 2024
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

That's awesome Laura! Yeah, mushrooms are super popular these days. Alas, most are high in oxalates. If you dont have dietary limitations you'll likely do well simply avoiding convenience foods, alcohol, excess sugars, high fats. Eliminating that stuff helps the pocketbook too.πŸ€‘

June 30, 2024
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

@A MyPsoriasisTeam Member Yes, agree...I cannot eat high fiber foods...I have IBS and my stomach will let me know πŸ˜– My digestion has slow motility because I also have gastroparesis due to Diabetes...My stomach is in limbo like a state of being paralyzed but not paralyzed, just very slow digestion but at least I'm not on a feeding tube yet...You know Diabetes gets blamed on "diet" too...We get told too much sugar and too many carbs give you Diabetes but I call "bull" on this, because there are 300 lb and upward people who are not diabetic and never have been...You mean to tell me somebody can (stay) overweight for 10 yrs and never get Diabetes ? I think it is genetics and (inherited) but I would never tell anybody not to eat healthy πŸ‘
#Diabetes fighter

June 29, 2024

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