As Psoriasis Is An Auto Immune Desease Is There Any Way To Boost Your Immune System So That It Is Strong Enough To Fight This Skin Problem?
I just feel that if we continually cover our poor skin with all these creams and potions that this is just fighting what we can see.
Maybe if we can boost our immune system by making it stronger than that can then fight our skin problem.
Any thoughts on this? And does anyone know how to strengthen our immune system?
cheers my friends
I know this sounds very strange but I follow Danette May.
Her diet plan is a paleo based plan and she is really big on immune problems.
She suggested
1tsp ground ginger spice
I1tsp ground tumeric spice
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon (I use 1 tsp)
And a generous grating of nutmeg
All in a large mug with hot water and then a tsp of raw honey.
Drink this throughout the day ( I often have 3 or 4 cups)
All the ingredients above are brilliant for calming and immune boosting properties. They really work .
By changing a few of my food choices and swapping to her eating plan too it has really helped
I was diagnosed with cancer last year and have been through a yr of turmoil but the tea has helped and my skin and arthritis have sailed through. (I even kept my hair)
Ovarian cancer is a killer and they said I wouldn't survive but here I am and I'm doing OK!
Also mindfulness and meditation helps a great deal but you really do have to get into it .I also practice yoga and pilates to remain as flexible as possible and have gained back alot of strength and feel much more beautiful.
I use skin treatment that make me feel beautiful and pampered too.
You actually want to suppress you immune system. The cause is overactive immune system
I y do not know and I use cream sparingly take care xxx
i recommend going to a naturopath, mine has been very helpful with immune support.
I'm sorry I don't but everything is worth a try but we have to be careful take care xxxx
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