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I Suffer With Psoriasis On Both Feet And Both Hands At Mo They Very Red In Lot Pain Get Alot Yellow

A MyPsoriasisTeam Member asked a question 💭

I try most cream going don’t work

August 27, 2022
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A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

I have a wax melter that is about the size of a large bathroom sink. I can adjust the temperature to what I want. You can buy unscented or scented wax blocks at any of the beauty supply places and on Amazon. When my fingers., hands, or feet really ache and my skin is really breaking down on my fingers. I dip my hand or feet in the warm wax, remove it for about a minute and then re-dip the extremity a few more times. As the layers thicken, the warm feels FANTASTIC. I also add essential oils to help with skin irritation. This has been a saving grace in the winter. Once you are done you peel off the wax and put it back in the melter. I also buy the nitrile gloves in the box from CVS and I will coat my hands in Aquaphor or this special hand cream recommended by my MD and then put on the nitrile gloves. I’ll wear them all night. The reusable household chore gloves will work also. P.S. You CAN use your phone with either of these types of gloves. You may have to punch the keys a little harder.

February 10, 2023
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

Taltz is the only biologic that worked for my hands and feet. I tried Enbrel, Humira, Stelara then Taltz was the miracle.

September 17, 2022
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

Taltz does wonders and my every two month injection of Tremfya holds true

September 30, 2022
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

Hey you I have the same issues with my feet not as bad with my hands my feet are in severe pain pretty much every day all day long I do get some breaks if I don't stand up and get on them and get red half way up my shins once reaches that point then they start going purple I have it under control now with the exception of the pain Google nature's spoils on there they have a arthritis relief just got a whole bunch of goodies in it and 100% CBD oil for whatever reason it was taking and pushed back all the purple and taken away the redness which was scary. That rheumatologist has told me I have psoriatic arthritis and I'm also on my 5th injection I could send text which hasn't showed any signs of helping me. Another thing I think that has helped and I went across trying to that does the old school acupuncture well that's the best I can do for you Godspeed

September 5, 2022
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

Thank u for this tip. It sounds like something I'd really like to try - especially with essential oils - like Vitality's Helichrysum for the skin.
I've used Prosoria's rapid repair 2 part ointment and cream (just 1x a day) and that seems to help with the severe cracking and plaque pealing when my psoriasis would flare to the point of severe pain. You can find it on Amazon or at

February 20, 2023

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