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Booster Shot

A MyPsoriasisTeam Member asked a question 💭
Nashville, TN

Just wondering, has anyone who may have had their 3rd vaccine after original for covid, did your psoriasis get worse?

January 15, 2023
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A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

@A MyPsoriasisTeam Member our immune systems work every day, encountering all sorts of diseases, bacteria, and viruses and adding them to the immune system's list of things to attack and destroy. You really want your immune system to know about as many pathogens as possible. Vaccines are no different from encountering something in the wild and having your body destroy it. The problem is that some of the things we encounter in our day to day lives will kill you very quickly, like Ebola, your body just doesn't have the time to stop it. Same with Hendra, SARS, MERS, Zika. I study these for a living so I just want to give you a non-political, unbiased opinion on vaccines.

November 27, 2023
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

@A MyPsoriasisTeam Member Hello, I'm sorry to hear you calling it a death jab. I'm a scientist and I worked on a similar virus called Hendra. It went from bats to horses to dogs to humans. It kills 70% of people who catch it. Usually, it kills vets who are there to treat the horses who get very sick from it. Mostly found in Queensland Australia but now cases are further south in NSW. The covid vaccine was never going to prevent anyone from catching covid. It simply introduced the spike protein as a pathogen to give your immune system a chance to kill it before it gets into your vital organs. In this respect, it worked very well, the only people in ICU on a ventilator are the non-vaccinated. No medicines really take 10 years of testing. As a scientist, it's all about getting funding, that's the ten year delay. Once you get into humans trials, you can get it approved for everyone. We must set our minds back to 2020 when we didn't know if it was airborne and we were putting dead bodies into refrigerated trucks. A million Americans needlessly died because it was made political. I'm in Europe, we had to wear masks and stay home, but they paid us to stay home. Without the vaccine, our health systems would have broken. Doctors were choosing who would get a ventilator. It was very traumatic and the vaccine was indeed a miracle. We have to choose the greater good and that was mass vaccination. In that respect, it was successful. Life is back to normal and we live with covid in the same way we live with influenza. People like us with immune system diseases need vaccines because parts of our immune system get switched off, leaving us quite helpless to influenza, covid, any inflammatory diseases. It should never have been made political, doctors and scientists are experts, that should be the end of the story.

November 27, 2023
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

Majesta, the so-called 'vaccine' is NOT a vaccine, it is an experimental gene therapy and was NEVER tested before it was released. You need to listen to doctors and scientists and medics, like Dr Judy Mikovits, Dr Bryan Ardis, Dr Meuller, and the German woman, Christine Anderson and so many more who have been outspoken about what the chemicals are that they have been injecting people with. You might learn exactly what has been going on with these death jabs, and you won't be left in the dark like so many others.
My ex-neighbour is a single woman in her 40's with no attachments and a really great person. She had a top job and a great income and her own home. I got to know her parents very well as they live over the road. The father was so excited to get the death jab he talked about nothing else and talked his wife and daughter into getting it. The wife was crook afterwards for a while but is slowly getting better, but the daughter wasn't so lucky. She has been so seriously sick, hospitalized many times and the latest time the parents thought they would lose her. But she came back from the brink by some miracle. She was in hospital for many weeks and when she came home 2 months ago, she has had to sleep at her parents house because she can not sleep in her own home alone. She has not been able to work since she got the death jab and struggles with life in general.
Doctors say she will probably never recover.
Then another young lass 23, moved in to the unit next door and as a paralegal, was told she had to get the death jab. She got it and has had seizures several times a day as well as being so sick, she also can no longer work and has not done since the day she got jabbed. That was 2 years ago!
I know others who have P and also have had many health problems since. The thing is that some batches were the bogus batches while the others were not, BUT they ALL had things like mercury which affect the pineal gland in your brain. (The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland in the brain that produces melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep patterns 12. Mercury is a toxic heavy metal that can accumulate in the body and cause various health problems 3. According to some sources, mercury can prevent the detoxification of other toxins in the body, including the pineal gland).
The other thing to remember too is that the death jab does NOT stop you catching 'covid'.

November 25, 2023
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

Seems my shots are still working, or my immune system got the message early on, because I am the last COVID "virgin" I know!

January 27, 2023
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

My psoriasis appeared BIG TIME for the first time between my second and third wasn't until some time later I began to suspect a connection. NO MORE SHOTS for me, but seems the ones I got have worked, as I have not gotten COVID.

January 26, 2023

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