I Am Having Difficulty Obtaining Financial Aid For My Medication. Does One Have Any Recommendations For A Source Of Financial Aid?
I have to take Skyrizi and Otezla for my psoriasis. For Skyrizi- the copy is $21,000 per year and the Otezla is $800 per month. I just went on Medicare and I can’t afford the copays. Also I am having difficulty getting financial aid. Any help would be appreciated
Yes- I have reached out to the manufacturers as well as the mail order pharmacies.
Try the manufacturer website for a patient assistance program (PAP).
Have you tried reaching out to the company that makes the prescription? They have programs for people who fall in the so called donut hole with Medicare.
Thanks Mema!
Ask your doctor about foundations. If accepted, they will cover the full cost. When you fill out the application, you'll need to send a copy of your yearly taxes. Some foundations are closing. My RA doc is trying to change my medication to another foundation. I'm waiting to see if I'm accepted.
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