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Has Anybody Taken Turmeric Instead Of Pills, Injection's Or Infusions That Usually Cause Horrible Side Effects. Gone Holistic?

A MyPsoriasisTeam Member asked a question 💭
Salem, OR
June 9, 2024
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A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

@A MyPsoriasisTeam Member. I tried 5 biologics all to no avail for arthritis, and also with unpleasant side affects and worsening / new psoriasis. Although, my side affects werent nearly as bad as poor Jill's, although a scientist, the poor lady can't seem to figure out what will help her.

I use all holistic therapies with good results. My psoriasis is clear everywhere except a mild persistent spot on top of my head. My Psoriatic Spondylitis pain is significantly improved from a daily 7/8 to a daily 2/3, sometimes a 4. I believe most of my current arthritic pain is from Osteoarthritis though.

I find curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, very helpful, but I use multiple anti inflammatory (according to my research in National Institute of National Library of Medicine) herbal supplements. In conjunction with the curcumin, my supplement with that one also has Andrographolide an extract of Andrographis plant. Also, I find an Omega-3 supplement with Astaxanthin and, most beneficial, Fucoxanthin very helpful. Additionally, I put ginger in a 6 fresh fruit/veggie/protein smoothie almost daily. Ginger and plant foods are high in antioxidants. Antioxidants help rid the body of damaging external substances that signal the body to produce inflammatory cytokines.

Once a week I add an extra supplement of senolytic plant flavonols, quercetin, apigenin, fisetin, theaflavin to help my body clear itself of dead and diseased cells. Read about Cell Senescence on or National Library of Medicine

A good well rounded multi-vitamin in either liquid, powder, or vegetable cellulose capsule is a good idea too. Its almost impossible to eat all the nutrients a body needs in 24 hours.

Probiotics are very important as well. There is a lot of medical science published in the past few years proving a direct connection between the gut microbiome and the rest of the body and brain in terms of inflammation.

Lastly, it is not enough to add a bunch of good foods. It is equally as important to cut out the crap foods like ultra processed convenience foods, fast food, high fat foods, added sugar and added salt. Keep in mind, inflammation due to foods can take up to a week to appear. Alcohol and smoking are well documented for inflammation.

This is just a small part of my holistic protocol. The rest of it is in terms of lifestyle and skin routines. Reach out for more details or other holistic suggestions. It does work, but it's a full time job and lifestyle adjustments.😌🙏

June 12, 2024
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

@A MyPsoriasisTeam Member, you have been a source of great information. Thank you for sharing what you have learned.

June 12, 2024
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

@A MyPsoriasisTeam Member. Thank you very much for the birthday wishes. It is hell to get old, but it is better than the alternative. 😂🤣 Obviously the psoriatic arthritis doesn’t make it easier, but I do not let it get me down. Life is worth living.
Do it and enjoy the ride.
Thank you for the articles on turmeric, Greatly appreciated. Looks like my dosage is right in the middle of what they suggest for arthritis. Stay happy!

June 13, 2024
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

@A MyPsoriasisTeam Member. Thank you very much for your response and all of the information. I will have to Google some of these things as I have no idea what they are😊.
The turmeric supplement I buy has ginger and is 1500 mg with the curcumin and pepper. I also do a probiotic, vitamin D3, multivitamin, and krill fish oil daily. I do smoothies with fruit, protein and vegetable powder, as I only have a regular blender I guess I need to buy a Vitamix. I was recently told that by cutting up my pineapple and throwing the core away I was throwing away the most beneficial part of the pineapple, but my regular blender will not blend the core of the pineapple . I have seen turmeric that has bromelain and many other things, but I decided to start with just the turmeric with ginger as that helps stomach upset that turmeric can cause. So far so good. I do buy fresh ginger and make tea as well.
Oddly enough, my inflammation numbers are near zero so not really sure why I was even given the biologic to begin with. My new Rheumatologist is not sure either. Especially Remicade, which is known to cause issues with people that have COPD.
I do try to eat as healthy as possible and make most meals at home, but it seems like the psoriatic arthritis affects my hands the most so sometimes that is difficult. Have tried a few food delivery programs like hello fresh etc… and it seems like they’re so full of sodium sugar, etc. that it’s actually worse than going out to eat.
I do get in a UV light box once a week, my psoriasis is very slight on my arms and elbows. but as I said, I’m thinking about buying an infrared sauna as I do that as well but pay for my sessions. I think I’ve already paid enough to have bought one.
I do Believe holistic is the way to go. Just sounds like I have some more research to do.
Once again, thank you for everything that you have provided and anything else would be greatly appreciated. I hope you have a great day!!

June 13, 2024
A MyPsoriasisTeam Member

Thank you for your responses.
I took the biologic Remicade and it almost killed me so I’m not really looking for any other Biologics. I’m looking for another solution. I have used a couple different pills that basically all they did was give me very debilitating headaches or made me so sick. I just started using the turmeric so I will come back after a couple weeks of using it mixed with ginger and a few other things I don’t recall and let you guys know how it’s going. But I ended up in the hospital ER after Remicade so looking at another biologic for me is slim to none.
My psoriasis is basically clear. I’m just making sure my psoriatic arthritis doesn’t get any worse and hopefully better. I do believe the infrared sauna is the way to go. I just need to buy one so I do it every day.
I hope you all have a great day!.

June 10, 2024

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